5 free packs of Styles for Capture One

Just like Lightroom has Presets, Capture One has Styles. They’re really handy to quickly explore color schemes and they can also speed up your work across tenths of images since you can adjust one image and apply it to all others.

While Capture One includes a few styles, there are many others that can be purchased in its website or from independent publishers. Let’s explore 5 packs of Styles that are completely free to download and use in Capture One. In all the examples, the normal image is the one on the left, while the one on the right has a style applied.

5 Capture One Styles from PhaseOne

Let’s being at home. PhaseOne sells their own styles and you can get a sample pack of five styles, each one representative of a style pack. There’s a B+W style, one for that trendy desaturated look, a nice bright one and a couple of others. As you would expect, all these have great quality.

7 Capture One Styles from Lutify.me

Lutify has been offering LUTs for a while and they’re also available as Styles for Capture One. They offer seven Styles for free as a sample and you can grab them below. The styles are moderate and have a nice cinematic look and feel.

12 Capture One Styles from 1Styles

These styles have a really good quality and they look quite natural because these emulate traditional film. In the downloaded file, you’ll find an Ektachrome 1970, a Fuji Neopan 1600, or an Agfa 800. They can be applied directly to the base image or in a layer.

32 Capture One Styles from DT CommercialPhoto

This is a sample of a bigger pack that includes 130 styles and includes styles for portraits, landscapes, weddings, black and white photos and more. There are some styles that are thought as “tools”, like darkening a sky. Since Capture One allows you to stack styles, this is very convenient to quickly add a correction next to a complete style.

52 Capture One Styles from Thomas Fitzgerald

Last one is big one! This pack of Styles includes a whopping number of 52 styles. Their look is quite varied so you’ll definitely find one that you like.

Bonus! Convert your Lightroom Presets into Capture One Styles

If you have a large library of LR Presets with some of them being your workhorse already, you might want to use them in Capture One, instead of looking for new ones that are similar.

Thanks to Picture Instruments’ Preset Converter, you can do exactly that. It’s a paid software, but it save you spending money and time getting new ones for Capture One.

Bonus #2 added Nov 18, 2019

I’ve published 5 of my own styles for Capture One for free, grab them at https://elio.blog/5-free-styles-for-capture-one/

3 thoughts on “5 free packs of Styles for Capture One”

  1. Thanks Elio for sharing these 5 packs of Capture One Styles. It’s a valuable collection.

    In my experience, it can be a bit tricky to keep track of which styles are from which package, if they all get mixed up under User-styles. This is of course mostly a problem if you install style files instead if style packs.

    Anyway, a simple trick is to import the styles into different subfolders directly to where Capture One expects to find the styles. Then you can create the folder structure you like to organize your Capture One styles. These is a short guide for how to do it here:

    Thanks again for sharing these 5 free capture one styles.

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